Q. Can I change the location where the log and result
files create in?
A. Yes, you can. you can give a directory where the logs and result files stored
in. It is not mandatory to exist the directory. Here, ‘<foldername>’.
>pybot --outputdir <foldername>
Can I execute selected test cases from my test
A. Of course you can! Suppose you have a test case named
‘testcase001’ in your test suit. You can execute only that particular test case
using below command.
>pybot --test testcase001 <test_suit_name>
Further, you can check the usage of pybot with
below command.
>pybot --help
How can I find the locator of a web element?
You can locate elements by several ways. by id,
by name, by xpath, by link text, by partial link text, by tag name, by class name, by css selector..
etc. but with my experience, best strategy to locate an element is 'xpath'. If you
are using firefox, you are having the firebug which is the best tool to find
locators. Just press 'F12' in your
keyboard. Basic HTML knowledge would be sufficient to find the html code line
of your web component. Just right click on it and choose 'Copy Xpath'. Or else,
you can use the firefox addon – “element locator for web driver”. Also
you can use the addon – “firepath” to customize xpaths.
You can find basic xpath syntaxes from here-http://www.w3schools.com/xpath/xpath_syntax.asp
If my selenium script running in a windows PC, can
I schedule it to automate?
Yes, you can save your pybot command as a executable
.bat file and schedule it with the windows scheduler.
From here, I’m going to talk about two major topics.
Working with windows dialog boxFrom here, I’m going to talk about two major topics.
When you working with web applications, you may have to download several objects in a web page. (example – text/csv files, excel/word documents, zip files, jar files… etc ), in that case firefox will ask you to confirm before download.
Look. This dialog box is NOT a component of the browser. It’s a windows dialog box. You neither can handle it through selenium2
library nor builtin library. So, how can we overcome this?
You have two major options to do this.- With the help of AutoIt library.
- Download AutoIt library from – https://code.google.com/p/robotframework-autoitlibrary/downloads/list
- Refer ‘README.txt’ for installation instructions.
- After successful installation, you can see a folder named ‘AutoItLibrary’ inside <python directory>\Lib\site-packages
- Import the library inside the resource file. (Library AutoItLibrary)
- Send simulated keystrokes to the active window using ‘Send’ keyword.
- Example 1– Send !s for send Alt+s and choose ‘Save File’ option.
- Example 2 – Send {ENTER} for send Enter key.
- By changing the firefox profile attributes.
Note 1- Value of ‘browser.helperApps.neverAsk.saveToDisk’
should be change according to the document type which you suppose to download.
Example – for zip
files ‘application/zip’, for jar files ‘application/java-archive’
Note 2 – Instead of changing default
FF profile, you can create a separate FF profile. Refer ‘https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/profile-manager-create-and-remove-firefox-profiles’
for more information. In this case, you need to mention ‘ff_profile_dir’
with the ‘open browser’ keyword.
Today you have exposed to more complex scenarios in
selenium robot framework. If you have
further questions, contact me anytime. I’m always
ready to help you.
For now, keep practice! That is the only option to be an automation expert! Good luck!
Working with databases.
If you are a selenium developer, you may need to connect to
a database and verify data which you submit through the web page. How can you
do that? I’ll explain it using an example.
How to connect an oracle DB using selenium web driver?
are 4 easy steps to do that.
Step 1 : Download and install robotframework-databaselibrary
Step 2 : Install oracle client, make TNS at tnsnames.ora
(Location- <downloaded directory>/network/admin/tnsnames.ora)
Example : BOBA64 =
Step 3 : Download and install DbApiModule – “cx_Oracle” (http://cx-oracle.sourceforge.net/)
Step 4 : Connect to the db using ‘Connect To Database Using
Custom Params’ keyword. (refer http://franz-see.github.io/Robotframework-Database-Library/api/0.5/DatabaseLibrary.html)
Example : Connect
To Database Using Custom Params cx_Oracle '<username>', <password>', '<tns>'
For now, keep practice! That is the only option to be an automation expert! Good luck!