
Thursday, August 20, 2015

Mantis Gmail Configuration

Hope you have already read my previous post about Mantis bug tracker. Today, I’m going to show you how to configure gmail in your mantis installation.
Email notification is an important feature of any bug tracker. Once you create, assign, modify or do a status change of a bug, relevant personnel should be notified by an email.
Here is the way you need to do it. Setup the latest Mantis version, i.e, mantisbt-1.2.19. Next, you have to set below configurations.
  1. Open the <mantis_installation_dir>\ config_inc.php. Initially it’s look like this.

  2. Default email configurations are placed in <mantis_installation_dir>\ config_default_inc.php. You can overwrite those default settings by adding below configuration snippet to ‘config_inc.php’.
  3. $g_phpMailer_method = PHPMAILER_METHOD_SMTP;
    $g_smtp_host = '';
    $g_smtp_username = '';
    $g_smtp_password = 'yourgmailpassword';
    $g_smtp_connection_mode = 'ssl';
    $g_smtp_port = 465;

  4.       Open the <mantis_installation_dir>\ config_default_inc.php and make sure the following setting is ON.
    $g_enable_email_notification   = ON;

  5. In WAMP, enable the Apache > Apache modules > ssl_module and in php.ini file, uncomment 'extension=php_openssl.dll' setting. (make sure to restart all wamp services to take the effect)

  6. Now the most important part!
    Login to your gmail & go to my account. Under 'Sign-in & security, Click 'Connected apps & sites'. turn on the 'Allow less secure apps:'.

That’s it! Now you are done with Mantis gmail configuration! Good luck!
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